Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Note from Fashion Editor at Large

The craze for vintage clothes, vintage fashion looks, and "shopping for vintage" as a hobby in itself had a hiatus for the last few years. Well, the term "vintage" did get hikacked by the mainstream, so it had to die.  

But now there is a vintage fashion craze gripping every young, hip and stylish person I know -vintage is reborn. What is great is that it is back in a different way for a new generation and is developing new trends for fashion designers to channel as I write. There is even a three-day vintage fashion festival taking place from 13-15th August at Goodwood, which has been organised by Wayne Hemingway. About time too.
George is the blonde.

At this juncture, I would like to introduce you to Georgina "George" Langford who has been assisting me a couple of days a week. George looks like the lovechild of Christina Hendricks and (though she will cringe when I write this) Peaches Geldof.  With her candy floss hair and amazing pin-up meets fashionista look, vintage obsession and the fact she is practically frothing at the mouth about the "Vintage at Goodwood" festival. So, I decided, who better George to give us the lowdown?

First, though, a few rabble-rousing words from Wayne Hemingway: "We have carefully curated a celebratory festival in complete contrast to the staid status quo, that re-unites music, fashion and culture, that is unashamedly about dressing up rather than down and being comfortable rather than compromised. There has been nothing to date like Vintage."


Guest Blog by Georgina Langford (Glitterbird) 

As an obsessive vintage lover, I nearly had a coronary when the festival was announced and bought my full weekend tickets back in February. Now I am counting the days ‘til I can don my best Betty Draper frock and party with 2000 other like-minded people for the glorious weekend from 13-15 August.

Lovely Wayne Hemingway (founder of Red or Dead back in the 90's) enlisted a few famous pals, including Lily Allen, Vivienne Westwoods former muse Sara Stockbridge and even Sandie Shaw to help announce the festival back in February, in a photocall demonstrating the eras celebrated at the festival will be the1940s through to the 1980s – vintage to suit every taste!
Lily and pals play dress up 

Possibly the best festival in the world!
Going on the information already released, Vintage at Goodwood looks set to raise the bar even further; there are different areas dedicated to celebrating the best of the 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s - including a roller disco (YAY!), Burlesque cabaret in a 40s nightclub, authentic Wigan Casino cureated by Eddie Piller, 60s high street, leisure dome and the ‘Let It Rock’ rock n'roll arena! If you haven’t got your retro look perfected before you go, a quick trip to Nina’s vintage hair salon which will be temporarily relocating to the festival, as well as one of the many vintage boutiques, will be all you need to look Mad Men ready. This is probably the only festival in the world where people are actively encouraged to wear heels!

Miss Allen herself is bringing her own vintage business ‘Lucy in Disguise’ to the festival, in the form of a pop up boutique, but regardless of whether or not she actually turns up (or her sister, who co-runs the business) vintage lovers across the land are buzzing with excitement.

Goodwood is already well known for its’ Festival of Speed and the Goodwood Revival events (both motoring related, the later being focused on vintage cars) which are sell-outs every year. It is not just the yokels - people come from across the globe for these amazing events.

I also look forward to whatever vintage wares Lily does decide to bring to the festival - I don't care how famous she is, I'll still be haggling with her to get the best bargains!

For more information visit http://www.vintageatgoodwood.com/ or call 01243 755 055

Friday, May 21, 2010


Posted by Fashion Editor at Large

Oh jeezus. For those fashion blog readers of a nervous disposition you might want to look away now. And not for the shoddy photography and creased clothes demonstrated in these here pictures. No. It is the clothing items featured. Namely the hilariously bad jeans (and more) donated by dear Jonathan Ross to my betrothed Mary Portas last night when she recorded the show which is to air on BBC1 in a few hours time. OK so here is the pair of totally hideous flared Jean-Paul Gaultier jeans Wossy gave to Mary so she could put them up for sale in the Grazia suppported Save The Children "Mary's Living & Giving" charity shop which opens in the morning on Westbourne Grove. Are you ready?
Ohhhhhhh myyyyy goodnesss!

"I got it wrong" Jonathan said to Mary of these repulsive flared jeans. What possessed him? Also in the photo is pair of England shorts sized for a toddler donated by Gary Lineker.  

Gary Lineker did a bit better than Wossy. He donated these two suits (plus a Gucci one that I didn't spot in another bag). The one on the left is Neil Barrett. The one on the right is by Etro. The size inside says "50". They will be £150 each.

Jonathan also donated the rather nice T-Shirt below to Mary's Living & Giving Shop which opens at 10am. Mary will be there!
Wossy's T-Shirt.

Mary’s Living and Giving Shop, 177 Westbourne Grove, W11 2SB (020 7727 6166 or savethechildren.org.uk).


Posted by Fashion Editor at Large
The Fashion Editor at Large (in Falke) with The Wedding Trimmer Suzanne Mallaghan (in Sweaty Betty) 

Being naturally tall and slim is akin to winning a genetic lottery. You can happily stuff your face with food, live an inert existence and nothing visibly bad or ugly happens to your body. The downside is running out of breath when dashing for a bus. Then you pass the 35 years on earth mark and everything changes. For me the upper arm wobbles came first. Years of naturally taut and tiny upper arms (a large wrist bracelet was a snug fit up there) collapsed when, over the long winter, a loose hammock of flesh took residence there. Then my 28waist skinny J Brand jeans wouldn't go further than my hips. I did not recognise my own thighs or rear. These physical events wiped out half of my wardrobe, and with it my identity. In a flash I could understand all those women who favour dresses over trousers and wear long tops with leggings. Which makes me sound like a stupid skinny bitch with no idea about what it is like to have a real woman's body; and I was.  

All this forced me to find a personal trainer. With a personal trainer there is no option but to turn up, especially when said PT is pressing your doorbell and saying "come on!" three mornings a week and if you cancel you pay anyway.
Suzanne demonstrates how to build triceps using a Kettle Bell.

My search for the perfect PT ended when I found Suzanne Mallaghan. Suzanne runs two programs - one is straight personal training, the other targets brides-to-be and is more deadline driven. When I began working with her four months ago I was not planning a Civil Partnership this summer. I was thinking of a December event, but when Mary surprised me by setting the date for next Sunday (heyulp!!!) The Wedding Trimmer side of her business kicked into play. Suzanne is a qualified personal trainer and Pilates instructor as well as a nutrition consultant. Being the daughter of a poet plus a brainy ex-city girl and an ex-national league Basketball player I reasoned she would be perfect for me. And she is! The sessions are varied, and fun, and hard. Mary also gatecrashes a session at least once a week.

The Fashion Editor at Large using theTRX resistance contraption

My training has been difficult. I was weak as a kitten at the beginning, Suzanne had to build me up slowly. It took ages to get the feeling I was fit, but at the beginning of April when she announced "You now have a basic level of fitness, next step is to pump out workouts three times a week until D-Day" I nearly cried with happiness. 

The biggest change is in how I hold myself; my posture is improved, I feel more together and confident, and I can get my arms out again. They don't look like SJP's, but rather appear just like how they used to. I can run for 30 minutes no problem, and also be able to conduct a conversation while running after 30 minutes and sound normal, not remotely out of breath. My strength is now considerable, and I can booty dance and bogle to Beyonce and Dizzy like the best 22 years olds, but obviously only do this home alone. 

The Pilates work is the most difficult, and where I need to focus my energies. My stomach is not wash-board by any stretch, but come next Sunday, I'm ready for my close up.  


We do three sessions a week incorporating cardiovascular, resistance,  flexibility components and she splits sessions according to muscle groups

Day 1: Cardio = boxing, Resistance training = chest, triceps, shoulders

Day 2: Cardio = interval training (walk, jog, run), Resistance. Training = back, biceps

Day 3: Cardio = hardcore kettlebell training mixed with ladderwork, stepwork etc. Resistance training = legs, core, abs

What I like about the sessions is that while they are working set muscle groups, the work itself is extremely varied. She says it is to keep me distracted while I work hard. So we might be using TRX suspension training, weights, kettlebells and resistance bands one day, and medicine balls, dumbells, a bench press, skipping rope or ladder the next time. Suzanne loves to go shopping for new equipment; she gets as excited about a new contraption - eg. TRX I am using above - as I do about a new Celine handbag. So it is all good.
The Wedding Trimmer

So there you have it. The best kept secret PT in London is no longer a secret.

Photographed on location in Paddington Recreation Ground by Fashion Editor at Large

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Posted by Fashion Editor at Large

                     THE JACKET AS CAPE




Attending the catwalk shows inevitably results in certain aspects of the fashion on show affecting the way one dresses. Case in point is shown above. I've been shrugging on my Acne mac with leather shoulders, my old Galliano blazer and even my favourite Ohnetitel shagy fringed goth cardigan in the last month without putting my arms through the arm receptacles. Effectively I have been wearing these favoured pieces as a cape. This morning as I spent an hour playfully working out which high street stores had been inspired by which shows (H&M press day the other day revealed their design team was favouring Ferragamo, Chloe and Missoni) and I saw the root of my penchant for the jacket as cape. Thank-you Etro, Margiela and Chloe!

Friday, May 14, 2010


Posted By: Guest Blogger, George Langford (Glitterbird)

Taylor Momsen. Gossip Girl starlet, wannabe rock chick and...thug? Her interview in Thursday's Metro saw yet another example of what happens when fame, fortune and fashion happen to someone who just isn't ready to be a role model. For some unknown reason, the journalist thought it would be a bright idea to begin the article with this choice quote:

"I have a knife collection...my favourite's my switchblade." Grrrreat! One of the world's hottest teen stars declares her passion for lethal weapons. She is setting a fabulous example to all her devoted fans, who will no doubt be abandoning their Hannah Montana DVDs and rushing out to purchase their very own blade as we speak. Flicking the knife is 'relaxing', apparently...not that I would know, considering a cup of tea usually suffices in times of crisis. Obviously, I don't have to deal with the pressure of international stardom, pots of money and designer freebies on tap, but aw shucks, life must be hard for this 16 year old actress. Perhaps Momsen thinks that this new revelation about her already 'alternative' lifestyle will add to her rawk credibility as she forges a musical career with her band Pretty Reckless. Whatever the reason, it was pretty stupid to mention it to a journalist and for said journalist to go on ahead and tell the world.

Before I go any further, let me declare myself as a fully fledged Gossip Girl obsessive - I love the show, even if it is becoming more and more 'Dynasty set on the Upper East Side'. Momsen, and her on screen alter ego Jenny Humprey have experienced a significant style evolution recently, going from Brooklyn School Girl to Park Avenue Punk (sound like a paradox? It's the same as any other emo/goth look, just with more designer labels.) I like the way she is not afraid to wear whatever she likes, regardless of trends or even the time of day. Her platinum hair and penchant for black leather and lace, combined with the ability to pull off some edgy evening looks, have led to her new status as a style icon. New Look have even made Momsen the face of their latest collection, although it remains to be seen whether her moody eyes will still be staring out of every shop window by the weekend. It's the Peaches Geldof-Ultimo fall out, mark II.

Even though I appreciate Jenny's alternative appearance, if the girl uses much more black eyeshadow I fear she will be fighting off the unwanted sexual advances of a panda. Momsen and 'Little J' are starting to merge into the same person, as the actress is now frequently seen out and about in her uniform of black stockings, nightie and leather jacket (just don't mention Courtney Love!) Because, y'know, music is her life now, Momsen doesn't feel the need to tone down her look for the sake of her teenage fans. Yes, she has the figure to pull it off, but she is unaware that she is influencing an army of identikit 'prostitots' (thanks, Perez Hilton) not all of which have a burly bodyguard to protect them from the lecherous responses this outfit is guaranteed to provoke.

I think she looks hot, really I do, but there is a line, and switchblades are well and truly over it. I respect Momsen for attempting to distinguish herself from the rest of her Gossip Girl counterparts, but there are better ways to do that than by collecting knives. At least if she wants to indulge her desire for sharp objects, someone please tell the girl not to shout about it!


(Image: Rex Features)

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Talking frocks with Tony

It is now just a few weeks until our Civil Partnership. So the perfect time to reveal the mastermind behind our wedding looks: it is the wonderful Antonio Berardi! There he is above at our place with me, Mary, Yazzy and lots and lots of fabric and colour swatches. He was over in London working with a couple of A-List stars (actor, diva) and very lucky us!!  

Excuse me while I jump up and down and make squealy noises and generally effervesce in a quite ridiculous and embarrassing way. 

I've known Tony since he began his fashion career in the late 90's; and for those of you who don't know his work, you really should be aware of his talent. Let me tell you, he designs the most flattering, sexy, cooly elegant and fashionable dresses I have ever had the pleasure of wearing. He knows exactly how to cut a dress that makes the most of ones legs without showing too much; how to enhance and minimise curves where appropriate, and generally make you feel like a woman. All at the same time as satisfying my need to feel that I am living in this very moment in both fashion and the world at large. Oh and did I tell you that the quality, fabrics and finish is nothing short of perfection? No? Well they are. The inside of his dresses are as exquisite as the outside... 

When I went to Harrods to play dress up with different labels in the name of wedding research, I was amazed at how labels such as Lanvin didn't suit me the way I expected them to. All those soft layers and gently scrunched fabrics did nothing for me. Likewise in Bottega I felt like I had gone to a fancy dress party as a 1950's Italian starlet. 

I did like the full-length dark aubergine draped jersey gown I tried on at YSL (the boutique on Sloane Street) and the long scarlett bias-cut Roland Mouret dress (Browns), but when I slipped into a Berardi dress I looked in the mirror and thought "Hello You!"  All but one of the five Berardi dresses I tried at Harrods made me look better than I could have dreamed I could look all in the space of five seconds. And that was without hair and make up, heels, jewellery or a fake tan. YAY!

So it was a good thing really that after his fiercely sexy and elegant AW10 catwalk show in London I went backstage to give him a hug, and - in the manner of a blethering fashion editor airkissing enthusiastically backstage - blurted "we would love you to design our wedding dresses" and immediately regretted my blurt. I was supposed to be congratulating the brilliant show first, after all.

Tony accepted on the spot, and the process is now in full swing. Mary knew what she liked, and as soon as she was enrobed, made me sick with jealousy at how effortless her search had been. She looks sensational. Now its my turn to step up to the plate.

We have decided our wedding dresses, now all that remains is a final fitting in Italy. 
I'm excited and nervous.

My Antonio Berardi personal order for next season!
One of Grazia's senior editors will have one of these come Autumn

Gwyneth Paltrow wore a lined version of this last week at a premier for Iron Man 2

Photo credits:
Fashion Editor at Large

Monday, May 10, 2010


Posted by Fashion Editor at Large

Sometimes the luxury end of the fashion industry floors me with how out of touch it can be with those of us who live what I would term "ordinary lives." I live a fairly ordinary life. In my ordinary life, I need a pair of shorts to run around in on holiday. And what better than a pair in khaki canvas, a bit like the ones above. Here they are again in detail: 
This is the bit of the post in which I become indignant, self righteous and shocked, for these shorts by Balmain cost £1,105 on Net-a-Porter. Even typing in the figure makes me ripple with laughter. £1,105!!!! Hahaha. My friend Iqua showed them to me. I can see her now shaking her head at the ridiculousness of it. I quite agree. Between us we have clocked up some 30 years in this business and we have never seen such a bonkersly overpriced garment. This is inverse Balmainia. The people who run the label have clearly lost their grip on even the outer fringes of the real world.

WHY does this pair of shorts cost £1,105? What about the production of them makes them so expensive? Their cost price must surely be no more than £30-40. To my eyes nothing can justify the cost, except perhaps that somewhere an Oligarch's status-obsessed wife is willing to pay £1,105 for them because in her world Balmain is cool. If that is the case, then we are talking exploitation. Whatever way you look at it, it's wrongheaded.

There are pairs almost identical to these shorts in TopShop and New Look (it took two minutes to find them online). Here is the New Look pair at £10.
There is a difference between the two, but they are not £1,095 different.

For those of you with more money than sense you can buy the Balmain ones here.
The New Look ones can be purchased here.

Images: Net a Porter and New Look

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Posted by Fashion Editor at Large
Kate Bosworth in Valentino pre-fall last week in LA

One of the lasting visual imprints from the AW10 collections is the surrealist, occult drenched vaudeville film by Kenneth Anger which played as the precursor and backdrop to the Valentino show in Paris. The show ran terribly late in the day, on almost the last day of the show season, and the flickering images of the cine-film showing a prancing sequin clad dancer put me (and most of the audience) in a trance only broken when the show started. 

I loved the Valentino show. It is in my top ten of the entire season. The tailoring, the colours, the lightness of the flou! Mmm, I continue to drink it in... The last time I loved a Valentino show this much was in 2008 when the talented Alessandro Faccinetti had her one season showing before management decided to replace her. The show she presented was not a million miles away from what Valentino's current designers Maria Grazia Chiuri and Pier Paolo Piccioli did for AW10. 

The aspect of this show that continues to stand out for me is the way Piccioli and Chiuri placed blush pink and red together in several looks. It looks fresh and gorgeous. The lace blouses, pointy studded low-heeled shows and boyish cut trousers did it for me too, but whereas blush/red should spiral into a trend any day now, my blouse/trouser obsession is more personal.  ANYWAY. When I saw Kate Bosworth - one of the few actresses whose style I admire to the point of absorption - wearing it last week to a Valentino cocktail party in L.A my love of the blush/scarlett combo reignited and spiked off the scale.

I will be finding ways to wear these two shades together this week. It can be done as simply as by wearing slash of lipstick my current favourite red lipstick Rouge Coco by Chanel (below) with some of the season's nude shades. I will start with this, and progress.
Also at the Valentino cocktail were the designers, and Chloe Sevigny. Here they all are together.
Maria Grazia Chiui, Kate Bosworth, Pier Paolo Piccioli, Chloe Sevigny in Valentino

I would love to meet these designers.

Photo credits: